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The program of the Alumni Association during the Little administration is marked most notably by the institution of the Michigan Alumni Ten-Year Program and by what was called the"Alumni University." Little subscribed heartily to the idea that the University is decidedly not through with a student as soon as it has conferred a degree upon him, and the Alumni University which was proposed and explained by him was a device to provide for continuing individual interests on the part of alumni.

A pamphlet called The Catalog of theAlumni University, which described the work of the various departments and their needs, was prepared, in order to suggest to the individual some line of special work carried on by the University with which he might voluntarily identify himself. This idea was publicly proclaimed at a dinner sponsored by theAnn Arbor University of Michigan Club and held January 21,1928, at the Michigan Union. Representatives from nearly all the alumni centers throughout the country attended this dinner, and the plan was well received. It played a part also in the program of the second alumni triennial which was held at the Hotel Blackstone in Chicago, May 10-12,1928. Both the Alumni University and the Michigan Alumni Ten-Year Program engaged the interest of the alumni for several years thereafter, and resulted in the eventual establishment of the Bureau ofAlumni Relations, as a part of the University's program.

(The University of Michigan: An Encyclopedic Survey, Vol 3, p.  94)

Alumni University